
Physical Sciences

The following topics make up each of the TWO Mathematical Literacy exam papers that you will write during the examinations:

Paper 1: Mechanics; Waves, sound and light; Electricity and magnetism; Matter and materials

Paper 2: Chemical change


 TitleModified DateSize 
Doppler Effect 19/18/201822.36 MBDownload
Doppler Effect 29/18/201816.87 MBDownload
Electric Circuits 19/18/201813.22 MBDownload
Electric Circuits 29/18/201816.31 MBDownload
Electric Circuits - Series9/18/201811.62 MBDownload
Electric Circuits - Parallel9/18/201811.00 MBDownload
Electrochemical reactions & Fertiliser industry9/18/2018341.51 MBDownload
Electrodynamics 19/18/2018253.77 MBDownload
Electrodynamics 29/18/2018223.82 MBDownload
Momentum Revision9/18/2018138.36 MBDownload
Newton's Law of universal Gravitation9/18/201875.90 MBDownload
Organic Chemistry 19/18/2018474.00 MBDownload
Organic Chemistry 29/18/2018281.75 MBDownload
Organic Chemistry Properties9/18/2018263.31 MBDownload
Organic molecules_IUPAC naming and structures 19/18/2018260.68 MBDownload
Organic molecules_IUPAC naming and structures 29/18/2018214.37 MBDownload
Organic reactions9/18/2018302.26 MBDownload
Photo-Electric Effect9/18/2018228.95 MBDownload
Rates of Reactions, Chemical Equilibrium, Acids & Bases9/18/2018333.61 MBDownload
Reaction Rates 19/18/201814.99 MBDownload
Reaction Rates 29/18/201812.46 MBDownload
Reaction Rates 39/18/2018331.23 MBDownload
Structure & organic naming compound9/18/201866.60 MBDownload
Vertical Projectile motion 19/18/2018224.68 MBDownload
Vertical Projectile motion 29/18/2018170.29 MBDownload
Vertical Projectile motion 39/18/2018234.83 MBDownload
Doppler Effect9/18/201822.36 MBDownload
QnA Acids & Basis9/18/201860.66 MBDownload
QnA Electric circuits9/18/201872.12 MBDownload
QnA Doppler Effect9/18/201858.28 MBDownload
QnA electrolytic cells9/18/201833.14 MBDownload
QnA Electrodynamics9/18/201856.93 MBDownload
QnA Fertilisers9/18/201861.01 MBDownload
QnA electrolytic cells 29/18/201833.14 MBDownload
QnA Momentum9/18/201862.45 MBDownload
QnA Galvanic cells9/18/201865.77 MBDownload
QnA Organic reactions9/18/201869.17 MBDownload
QnA Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation9/18/201866.97 MBDownload
QnA Physical properties of organic compounds9/18/201869.64 MBDownload
QnA Photo Electric Effect9/18/201866.02 MBDownload
QnA Structure & organic naming compound9/18/201873.86 MBDownload
QnA Vertical projectile motion9/18/201856.57 MBDownload
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