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Minister celebrates excellence at Ekurhuleni North District Awards, 08 February 2016

Minister Angie Motshekga honoured top learners and educators from the Ekhuruleni North District, by awarding top performers with trophies and ICT equipment at an awards ceremony held at Emperor’s Palace on 29 January 2016. The Ekurhuleni North Grade 12 District Awards are the most prestigious awards in the Gauteng City Region. There were fourteen categories this year, including District Top Ten Learners and their Feeder Primary Schools, Most Improved Public Schools, Schools maintaining a 100% pass rate from 2012; as well as an Overall Top Learner Award 2015.

The event was sponsored by the OR Tambo International Airport and the Airports Company of South Africa, who acknowledged and rewarded top learners, educators and schools in the development of a culture of excellence. The Ekurhuleni North District was awarded fourth place out of the 81 education districts countrywide. The Minister acknowledged the extraordinary efforts of schools in the District, often achieved under very difficult conditions, as well as their commitment to serve the learners, many of whom come from poor communities.

The Minister went on to emphasize that education is a societal issue; and that by working together the outcomes of the National Development Plan can be achieved. Minister Motshekga also encouraged everyone present to become ambassadors for the Department’s reading campaign. The Read to Lead Campaign is a four year programme of reading which aims to inspire and develop an interest in reading amongst learners, parents, teachers and business communities. The Campaign also aims to improve learner competence in Literacy and will create opportunities to motivate communities to read for enjoyment and personal development, as well as educational development. 

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Written By: WebMaster WebMaster
Date Posted: 4/22/2016
Number of Views: 4083

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