The Department of Basic Education was formed when the former National Department of Education was split into two: Department of Basic Education and the Department of Higher Education and Training. The DBE deals with all schools from Grade R to Grade 12, including adult literacy programmes. The aim of the DBE is to develop, maintain and support a South African school education system for the 21st century.
Our vision is of a South Africa in which all our people will have access to lifelong learning, education and training opportunities, which will, in turn, contribute towards improving the quality of life and building a peaceful, prosperous and democratic South Africa.
Our mission is to provide leadership in the establishment of a South African education system for the 21st century.
The Department of Basic Education adheres to the following values
People: Upholding the Constitution, being accountable to the Minister, the government and the people of South Africa.
Excellence: Maintaining high standards of performance and professionalism by aiming for excellence in everything we do, including being fair, ethical and trustworthy in all that we do.
Teamwork: Cooperating with one another and with our partners in education in an open and supportive way to achieve shared goals.
Learning: Creating a learning organisation in which staff members seek and share knowledge and information while committing themselves to personal growth.
Innovation: Striving to address the training needs for high-quality service and seeking ways to achieve our goals.
Strategic outcome-orientated goals: Improved quality of basic education
Output 1: Improve the quality of teaching and learning
1.1 Improve teacher capacity and practices.
1.2 Increase access to high-quality learning materials.
Output 2: Undertake regular assessment to track progress
2.1 Establish a world-class system of standardised national assessments.
2.2 Extract key lessons from ongoing participation in international assessments.
Output 3: Improve early childhood development
3.1 Universalise access to Grade R.
3.2 Improve the quality of early childhood development.
Output 4: Ensure a credible outcomesfocused planning and accountability system
4.1 Strengthen school management and promote functional schools.
4.2 Strengthen the capacity of district offices.