The Department of Basic Education (DBE) is made up of 7 branches, each led by a Deputy Director-General (DDG). Each DBE branch is divided into chief directorates, managed by chief directors.
Branch: Business Intelligence's purpose is to support co-ordination and implementation of departmental, sector-wide and cluster programmes of action.
Branch: C's purpose is to develop curriculum and assessment policy and support, monitor and evaluate curriculum implementation supported by Umalusi.
Headed by Ms Simone Geyer, the Delivery and Support branch's purpose is to assist the Ministry and Department to meet strategic objectives through identifying and addressing selected areas of challenge.
Branch: Finance and Administration's purpose is to provide financial management and administrative support to the Department.
The Branch: Infrastructure's purpose is to manage and facilitate the planning, resourcing, delivery, maintenance and monitoring of infrastructure provisioning in the sector.
Branch:ODG's purpose is to render services to the Director-General.
Headed by Dr Granville Whittle, Branch:S's purpose is to provide social support and auxiliary services to learners and teachers.
Branch:T's purpose is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources.