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Y-CAP is empowering and motivating change agents At schools across the country, 28 July 2017

The Department of Basic Education and Empowervate Trust will host the annual Youth Citizens Actions Programme (Y-CAP) National Championships on Saturday 29 July 2017 at the Garden Court South Beach, Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal.


During Youth Month and Mandela Month, district events, followed by provincial events took place throughout the country to identify the most impactful projects from each category and province.


This year, a record six hundred schools registered to participate in Y-CAP, comprising more than 5000 primary and secondary school learners from and all nine provinces. The 18 provincial winning teams from the 9 primary and 9 secondary school categories will present their projects at the national championships, which is the highlight on the calendar for all involved, as it inspires, motivates and acknowledges the future leaders.


The Founder and CEO of Hirsch’s Home stores, Margaret Hirsch will be the keynote speaker. There will also be other motivational speakers, coaching workshops, screening of the Heartlines’ values-based film “Beyond the River” and a dinner dance after prize giving.


Members of the Media are therefore invited to witness this event as follows:


Date:              Tomorrow, Saturday, 29 July 2017

Time:             7:30

Venue:           Garden Court South Beach, Durban, KZN



For more information:

Y-CAP:          Amanda Blankfield-Koseff: 079 080 8474

DBE:             Elijah Mhlanga:                    083 580 8275



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Written By: buhlebendalo somgede
Date Posted: 8/7/2019
Number of Views: 520

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