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Department Of Basic Education briefs Portfolio Committee on the state of readiness for 2017 school year, 29 November 2016

The Department of Basic Education has today briefed the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on the state of readiness for 2017 school year. The major focus has been to identify and deal with issues that have historically impacted negatively on the effective start to the academic year.

Some of the key areas of attention include the registration of learners, provision of learner teacher material and ensuring that schools have teachers for all grades and subjects at the start of the school year. Over the past 5 years the sector has made significant progress in streamlining learner admissions processes. Provincial education departments are expected to release annual admissions circulars, determine the period for admissions, establish provincial and district admission teams.

The placement of learners is still in progress across the country especially in 'hot spots'. Gauteng is experiencing the highest admissions challenges. The total applications received for Grade 1 and 8 is 297 505 and only 173 051 have been placed. More than 124 400 learners (41%) are yet to be allocated spaces. The Western Cape stands at 29, 330 in terms of unplaced learners for 2017.

School infrastructure is also one of the major deliverables that the department is paying special attention to given the complex challenges we face as a country. As part of state of readiness the department prioritizes the provision of ablution facilities as well as school furniture for both learners and educators predominantly in our rural areas.

Monitoring will also focus on the school maintenance plans to ensure that the necessary work is done in terms of upgrading and rehabilitation of existing assets and the provision of facilities where these have not yet been delivered. DBE and the education departments in provinces continue to fast track the delivery of school infrastructure.

The Department of Basic Education works with provinces and districts to ensure that all the necessary work is done to ensure that learning and teaching takes place in a conducive environment.

Enquiries DBE:  Elijah Mhlanga - 083 580 8275 | Troy Martens - 079 899 3070

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Written By: buhlebendalo somgede
Date Posted: 8/7/2019
Number of Views: 487

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