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Statement By The Minister Of Basic Education Mrs Angie Motshekga On The Release Of The National Senior Certificate Supplementary Examination Results, 04 May 2014


I am proud to announce the release of the results of the supplementary National Senior Certificate examination for the Class of 2013. The examinations commenced on Monday, 17 February 2014.


The supplementary examination is a special examination offered to candidates that were indisposed and were therefore unable to write the examination in November 2013. The examinations are also offered to candidates that may have failed the November 2013 NSC examination by not more than two subjects. An important point to make, and indeed emphasise, is that candidates who write this examination together with the November examination are considered as having participated in one examination sitting.

The 2014 supplementary examinations proceeded without any incidents that may affect the integrity and the credibility of the examinations. A total of 66 105 candidates sat for this examinations at 6 168 centres across the country. These examinations were conducted under the same conditions that were required of candidates that wrote the examination in November 2013.

The overall national performance, based on the combined results of the November 2013 and Supplementary examination is now 80.8%. This means we have now registered an improvement of 2.6% from the 78.2% recorded in the November 2013 NSC examination.

This implies that 15 030 more young people have attained the National Senior Certificate and can, therefore continue with further studies or enter the world of work.

A total of 454 809 candidates have now been successful in attaining the National Senior Certificate in the Class of 2013.

The number and percentage of candidates that have now achieved the

National Senior Certificate per province is as follows:



% Achieved (Nov 2013)

% Achieved

(Nov 2013 + Supp)

No Achieved

(Nov 2013 + Supp)

Eastern Cape



48 509

Free State



24 121




87 087




117 047




62 736




40 108

North West



25 939

Northern Cape



8 053

Western Cape



41 209




454 809


There has also been an increase in all categories of pass types, with 1 303 more candidates qualifying for admission to Bachelor Studies, 2 834 more candidates now eligible for Diploma studies and 10 763 more candidates qualifying for admission to Higher Certificate studies.

The results of candidates that wrote this examination will be available at the school at which the supplementary examination was written as from TODAY Monday, 5 May 2014 across most of the provinces and where candidates are unable to obtain their results from the school, they can contact the nearest district office or the provincial hotline.


We are proud of the learners who took the decision to again sit for the examinations after their set-back last year during the Grade 12 final examinations. We also say congratulations to those who ceased this opportunity to write their grade 12 exams. Their achievement is testament to the courage, hard work and indeed perseverance.

We wish them well as they take the next step whether of continuing with their studies or exploring other opportunities that are available to them. Thank you!


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Written By: Administrator Account
Date Posted: 1/11/2016
Number of Views: 1169

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