The Department of Basic Education recognises the value of school sport and physical education to provide the foundations necessary for the holistic development of the learner in support of the academic curriculum.
School sport is the bedrock of sports in the country. The Department has taken a conscious decision to encourage learners to participate in a variety of sport activities. Participation in sport has many important benefits. Sport can unite our people, build families and communities. Sport provides challenges and adventures, fills vacuums and gives meaning and a sense of purpose to people’s lives. Participation, irrespective of the level at which it occurs, can build self-respect, self-esteem, confidence and enhance the leadership capabilities of learners.
Sports can also be used to reduce the social stigma experienced by marginalised groups, including people with disabilities and people with HIV and AIDS. By encouraging these individuals to participate in sport activities with other community members, a shared space and experience is created that helps break down negative perceptions and enables people to focus on what they have in common. This is an important step in enhancing these individuals’ self-concept and emotional health. Hence sport has the ability to overcome social barriers and also to empower individuals by helping to reduce social exclusion and promote lifelong learning.
Emerging evidence highlights the impact of sport in creating stronger communities and addressing issues of community safety, including reductions in anti-social behaviour and reductions in the propensity to commit crime. Sport is a socially acceptable way for the youth to spend their time and energy without getting into trouble on the streets. It offers them an attractive alternative to overcome the root problems associated with crime, violence and drug usage.
It therefore stands to reason that cooperation in sporting activities will enable learners to grow and develop in an enabling environment that will teach them genuinely to “believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity”, as we say in the Preamble to the Constitution.
This year marks the third year of the annual SA Schools National Championships. These championships are a culmination of the mass participation programme coordinated collaboratively with Sports and Recreation South Africa. This collaboration ensures that all young people access opportunities that enable them to develop and prosper as fully engaged, responsive and productive citizens.
I applaud all those who strive to make this a reality and encourage all learners to continue to pursue their dreams, both on and off the sporting fields. A special word of gratitude goes to the Local Organising Committee comprising of departmental officials and our partners, i.e. Lovelife and UNICEF. The efforts made towards the successful staging of this championship are highly appreciated.
Our gratitude also goes to the school management teams, school governing bodies, and more importantly the teachers, parents and learners for their contribution towards the success of this championship.
I would also like to congratulate all the learners and schools that have performed and made it to this level. Today is only the starting point for what will become a career for our many sports stars of the future. May your performance be your best ever and the 2014 SA Schools National Championships the highlight of this year’s school calendar.
I wish you all a successful National Championship.
Enquiries: Troy Martens (Spokesperson for Minister Motshekga) – 079 899 3070
: Hope Mokgatlhe – 071 680 6849