Department of Basic Education urges taxi industry to reconsider strike action, 07 November 2017
The Department of Basic Education urges the National Taxi Alliance (NTA) to reconsider their strike action as planned for tomorrow. Not for any reason other than for the sake of learners who will be writing their English Paper 2 National Senior Certificate examinations in Home Language and First Additional language.
Many of our learners rely of the taxi industry to get to school and back and this may have a severe impact on their ability to get to and from examination venues.
We have strongly condemned other organisations who sought to compromise the examinations by affecting learners’ ability to get to their examinations timeously. We hope the NTA will be more considerate of those learners who have worked hard for the past 12 years to be able to sit for these examinations.
We are aware that the organisation has given the communities wherein they operate warning to make alternative arrangements, however it is possible that learners may still be severely impacted as a result of such strike action. We understand that the NTA has serious grievances they wish to raise, however we do implore upon them to put the education of our learners first.
The NSC examinations will finish on the 28th of November and until then we urge all entities in society to work together to ensure that these examinations proceed uninterrupted.
Elijah Mhlanga – 083 580 8275 | Troy Martens – 079 899 3070
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