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South Africa launches the Let’s Talk EUP (Early and Unintended Pregnancies) Campaign, 05 November 2019

We need to reduce early and unintended pregnancies among adolescents by 75% by 2020! That is the ambitious target set out by the Let’s Talk EUP (Early and Unintended Pregnancies) Campaign, a regional campaign underway across Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA).  The campaign is aimed streamlining efforts by governments across the regions to reduce the alarming rates of EUP among adolescents and young people. 


 “Let’s Talk’’ is a social and behavioral change campaign which seeks to reduce early and unplanned pregnancies across 21 countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, which has one of the highest adolescent fertility rates in the world.


Having already hosted a Regional Launch in July 2019 alongside her counterparts from Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga will on 06 November 2019 shine the spotlight on the South African launch as the Department leads the national response to the high number of early and unintended pregnancies experienced by young girls across South Africa and indeed the Southern African region.


The implementation of the “Let’s Talk!” campaign will target various levels of society including, individual, interpersonal, community, organizational and policy, encompassing an African solution to an African challenge. At a socio-economic level the model is important as EUP is more than just an attitude or behavioral issue, rather it is an issue that is compounded and affected by multiple factors including, policies, cultural practices, and the health and education systems. “Let’s Talk!” campaign is driven by multiple factors that include poverty, lack of information and access to reproductive health services, cultural norms, peer pressure and sexual coercion and abuse. 


Members of the media are invited to attend the Let’s Talk EUP (Early and Unintended Pregnancies) Campaign as follows:


Date:          Tomorrow, Wednesday 06 November 2019

Venue:       Mamelodi High school, 141 Tsomo St, Mamelodi

Time:         11h00


Enquiries:     Elijah Mhlanga – Head of Communications 083 580 8275

                        Terence Khala – Media Relations Officer 081 758 1546

                       Hope Mokgatlhe – Ministerial Spokesperson 079 817 0427


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Written By: buhlebendalo somgede
Date Posted: 4/6/2020
Number of Views: 1908

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