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WQ 631 NA Supporting learning at home, 24 April 2020



631.  . Dr S S Thembekwayo (EFF) to ask the Minister of Basic Education:

What plans does she have in place to monitor that all learners who are expected to continue with school work from home do their work?                                    


To ensure that learners continue to be supported while they are at home during the Lockdown, the sector put the following measures in place: 

  1. Schools and teachers distributed and issued learners with printed materials that included workbooks as well as work sheet to learners before the official closure of schools by government under Covid 19.
  2. Teachers planned work for learners and learners were issued with work to be done while they are not at school. A call was made to parents to support, assist and supervise the learners to do their work during this period of uncertainty.
  3. To ensure that learners in underserved and remotest areas are not left out we have taken advantage of Radio as a mass media tool, we are to this end working with 110 radio stations to broadcast lessons in all 11 official languages, for all grades and  subjects on specific topics.
  4. Of these 110 Radio Stations are 10 National Radio Stations, 10 Regional Radio Stations as well as 90 Community Radio Stations across all 9 provinces. This approach ensures that the most disadvantaged learner in terms of socioeconomic status and well as geographic location sis not left behind. These radio stations have listenership that runs into Millions. The Broadcast Schedules have been developed. 
  5.  Our approach in intervening as a Sector, as evidenced through Department of Basic Education (DBE) and Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) interventions is cross cutting as it does not only include Radio Broadcast Lessons but also include, distribution of Printed materials, Websites with online content, dedicated portals, Online schools, TV Broadcast Lessons as well as live streaming of lessons on a daily basis.
  6. A special TV channel has been designated, in partnership with eMedia Investments, to broadcast educational support for learners and teachers, with special focus on Grade 12 on the OpenView HD (OVHD) platform – channel 122. This channel is available free of any subscriptions and will broadcast for a period of six months starting from 01 April to 30 September 2020.
  7. Educational content has been curated and uploaded on the DBE website in such a manner that it is visible and clearly accessible when a user lands on the website
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Written By: Administrator Account
Date Posted: 10/8/2020
Number of Views: 1519

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