
Women United in Moving South Africa Forward

On 09 August 2016, South Africa will mark the 60th Anniversary of the 1956 women’s march to the Union Buildings under the theme:  Women united in moving South Africa Forward. The annual commemoration of Women’s Month in August is a tribute to the more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 09 August 1956 in protest against the Pass Laws. The historic march was a turning point in the role of women in the struggle for freedom and society at large. Since that eventful day, women from all walks of life became equal partners in the struggle for a non-racial and non-sexist South Africa. The National Women’s Day event will be taking place at the Union Building in Pretoria on 09 August 2016.

Government departments are requested to observe the call to action by participating in a Tell her story campaign. The campaign is aimed at encouraging women to tell their stories as citizens of South Africa through posting mini videos on different social media platforms using the #TellHerStory hashtag. Provinces are encouraged to paint murals or cloth paintings by female artists to show case their creativity. Photographs of the mural paintings should be shared on the Women’s Month online and social media platforms on 06 August 2016.

Government has made significant progress in empowering women in the political, public and educational spheres, but the marginalisation of poor women severely compromises progress. Women make up almost 40% of the Senior Management Service in the public service and overall women comprise more than 50% of employees in the Public Service. Women have even entered previously male dominated areas in the corporate world, and currently constitute 3.6% of CEO positions, 5.5% of chairperson positions, 17.1% of directorships and 21.4% of executive management positions.

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