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Director-General: Hubert Mathanzima Mweli, Mr


  • Date of Birth: 
  • Marital Status: Married

Current Position

Mr Hubert Mathanzima Mweli is Director-General for Basic Education from August 2015.


Mr Mweli comes to the position with a wealth of experience and an in-depth understanding of the needs and challenges in the sector. He has a number of qualifications which include a Bachelor of Arts in Education with Honours, a Bachelor of Administration in Industrial Relations with Honours, and a Master’s Degree in Development and Management, all from the University of the North West.

Career/Positions/Memberships/Other Activities

Mr Mweli is a seasoned educationalist who has risen through the ranks of the education sector having started as a teacher at Bophirima High School in 1990. He has been involved in the development of key education policies and has a number of successes under his belt.

Whilst Head of Department in the North West, the province went from being in the bottom three provinces to the top three in the Grade 12 examination results. He balanced the budget of the Department from a deficit of R1,2 billion occasioned by the cross boundary municipal disestablishment during 2007/8 financial year, and led the team that took the Department from a Disclaimer Audit Opinion to an Unqualified Audit Opinion with a Certificate of Merit of Excellence for 2008/9 financial year issued by the Auditor General.

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