
DBE and Investec prioritise quality access to Early Childhood Development programmes

Basic Education Minister, Ms Siviwe Gwarube, delivered the keynote address during an ECD Infrastructure Fund Business Breakfast at Investec, Sandton on 27 January 2025. This was an opportunity to strengthen partnerships with the private sector and to share the DBE’s vision on ECD programme delivery. The Bana Pele Mass Registration Drive is a prime example of collaboration to ensure quality service delivery to the most vulnerable communities.

ECD registration is the first step towards quality improvements. The DBE’s 2030 Strategy for ECD programmes sets out the roadmap to increase access and improve the quality of ECD programmes by 2030. The first step to unlocking increased access is to ensure that all ECD programmes are registered. “The current state of ECD in South Africa shows that 1.1 million children aged 3-5 years lack access to ECD programmes, and only 42% of children attending ECD programmes enter school with the appropriate learning and physical growth foundations. Furthermore, the 2021 ECD Census indicated that over 20,000 ECD programmes are unregistered, which means that they receive no government oversight or support. This has created a poverty trap, with ECD programmes serving the most vulnerable communities not being able to benefit from the government support required. During community engagements, the DBE heard the concerns regarding the onerous registration process and undertook a review to streamline the process,” the Minister said.

In respect of the Bana Pele Mass Registration Drive, the DBE redesigned and digitised the registration process in 2024, to ensure a streamlined process to enable all unregistered ECD programmes to become registered. The DBE has developed a complete digital application process through the Early Childhood Administration and Reporting System (eCares). The first phase of the Bana Pele registration, entails the application process for the DBE and Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) to plan their support for ECD programmes. At the end of this phase, ECD programmes are registered at a Bronze level which is valid for one year and enables programmes to qualify for support through the ECD maintenance grant. Since launching the first phase of the new process in Gauteng during August 2024, 1,300 new ECD programmes have become registered. In a few months, this is more than three times what was achieved in 2023. The Free State and Western Cape are also now fully live in their process, with the other provinces coming on board systematically in February. The second phase of the process aims to ensure that all ECD programmes become compliant, safe learning spaces. Once completed, ECD programmes are registered at a Silver level (valid for 3 years) or at a Gold level (valid for 5 years).

In 2025/26, the ECD maintenance component will contribute R160 million to infrastructure support for ECD programmes, with National Treasury allocating an additional R100 million in the following financial year. However, this is not sufficient. “Although we have made great strides in increasing access to education in the country, it is imperative that we also shift focus to the quality of the education that our children have access to. Through the collaborative efforts between the DBE and the ECD sector, the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust, Investec, Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Education Foundation (FEMEF), the Development Bank Southern Africa and Yellowwoods, the Bana Pele Mass Registration Drive will be a huge success,” the Minister expressed her gratitude.

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