
Africa Month 2024 - Celebrating 30 Years of Freedom: Building a Better Africa and a Better World

The 2024 edition of Africa Month, and Africa Day on 25 May, is the 10th edition of the Africa Month to commemorate the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) on 25 May 1963, under this year’s theme: “Celebrating 30 Years of Freedom: Building a Better Africa and a Better World’’.

The commemoration is part of South Africa’s 30 years of democracy celebrations, a year-long programme to celebrate and reflect on the progress Government has made in improving the lives of South Africans since 1994.

Amongst others, Africa Month is aimed at promoting the African Agenda 2063: The Continent We Want – a continent free from GBV, racism, crime, conflicts and poverty, and based on seven aspirations or pillars, as well as the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance, and strengthening the African Union (AU) institutions and policies. Africa Month acknowledges the work done by the African Union, celebrates Pan-Africanism and unlock economic opportunities in line with the African Continental Free Trade Area, Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA).

Government will promote programmes supporting the International Decade of Indigenous Languages as declared by UNESCO to highlight the significance of promoting the use of indigenous African languages. The colloquia will be rolled out mainly through a series of panel discussions where position papers will be presented about specific focus areas. In line with the African Union theme for 2024: “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa”.

As Africa Month is a moment for the continent to pause, reflect, and celebrate our unique African identity and cultural expression, the DBE will lead a commemorative calendar of events in the North West Province to engage school communities about the importance of the month.

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