
DBE encourages the education sector to enhance monitoring and research through the Research Agenda

In order to guide and coordinate research undertaken in the basic education sector the DBE has drafted a research agenda for the medium-term period 2024-2029. The agenda sets out the main research questions which are priorities for the Department, and the sector as a whole for the next five years.

The agenda was formulated through a consultation process with branch heads within the Department; researchers from Higher Education Institutions; donor organisations; other departments such as National Treasury and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation; and other education stakeholders. Following a similar consultative process, the research agenda will be updated every five years. The agenda provides thematic areas, the main and sub-research questions as well as examples of DBE studies done.

Education researchers such as academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students, individual research organisations and non-government organisations are encouraged to consider and engage with these research questions and provide high quality, internationally competitive research, and contribute to the dissemination of ground- breaking knowledge in the pursuit of excellence in the sector. The Research Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation (RCME) Directorate within the DBE, will be responsible for coordinating such research through the agenda and facilitating collaboration between researchers interested in similar questions.

There is a plethora of sector-specific research commissioned and conducted within the DBE that has previously not been in the public domain. The research repository serves as a mechanism to make this information available. It contains sector-specific research that has been commissioned and conducted within the DBE and is accessible on the website.


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National Office
Address: 222 Struben Street, Pretoria
Call Centre: 0800 202 933 |
Switchboard: 012 357 3000

012 357 4511/3

Government Departments
Provincial Departments of Education
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