
PARENTS Speak out against Child abuse!

Parents have the responsibility of assisting teachers in managing schools. It is therefore important for them to be informed about roles and responsibilities especially in supporting the prevention of child abuse in schools. It is in their best interest that schools are governed properly in promoting effective teaching and learning.

For purposes of setting the scene, this brochure/pamphlet will share information on Child Abuse.
 Pamphlet for parents

Educators Speak out against Child abuse!

A person who has knowledge that any form of abuse has been committed against a child must report such knowledge immediately to a police official. Failure to do so constitutes a fine, imprisonment or both but not exceeding five years.


Educators are compelled to report any abuse experienced by children. This is more emphasized by their loco parentis role they have over children.


This brochure seeks to give information on child abuse, types and internal & external legal remedies in reporting such.

 Pamphlet for educators

Learners Speak out against Child abuse!

What is child abuse?

Any form of harm or ill-treatment deliberately inflicted on a child. These include assault, sexual

abuse or bullying. Sexual abuse is very common in our schools and learners need to speak out against it.


Did you know?

A teacher is never allowed to have a sexual relationship with a learner under any circumstances,

even if the learner is over the age of 16 and agrees to the relationship.


If someone tries to touch your private parts, scream NO!!!!!!! Run away to another grown up that you know – it could be your teacher that you trust.

Don’t keep secrets from your parents.

 Pamphlet for learners
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