
World TB Day

There is now global recognition that HIV and TB are not only a challenge for the health system alone, but also a challenge for the education, economic, social and cultural systems of our society. The Department of Basic Education has crafted an Integrated Strategy on HIV, STIs and TB aligned to the country’s vision, and to new global thinking on the twin epidemics of HIV and TB.


The purpose of this document is to integrate efforts to address the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV and TB, including care and support, within its implementation in schools and

the DBE work environment, thus responding to the renewed commitments that have been made by government, civil society and the private sector with the new National Strategic Plan

on HIV, STIs and TB 2012 2016 (NSP 2012 2016).


The Strategy presents a holistic response for learners, educators and officials in the schooling system.


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