South Africa will assume the Presidency of the Goup of 20 (G20) ib 01 December 2024. The G20 is the premier forum for global economic cooperation and comprises of 19 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Fance, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ialy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tűrkiye, United Kingdom, and United States), the European Union and the African Union.
The G20 South african Sponsorship Committee invites potentail sponsors to partner with the govenment in sponsoring South Africa's G20. Sponsors can be local and international donors, development financial institutions, private organisations, philathropists, and civil society groups.
Sponsorships can include financial, in-kind, media, and strategic partnerships. G20-specificd sponshorships may include summit sponsoship, G20 meetingand events, initiative, and knowledge partner sponsorships. The sponsorship should be in line with the sponsorship criteria to be outlined in the G20 Sponsorship Guidelines developed by the Natinal Treasury, to be issued befor the end of November 2024.
No fees will be paid to sposoring companies, and recognition will be based on the contribution level. Eligible sponsors will be subjected to tan agreement with the governments, clearly defining the products or services to be sponsored and identifing delever timelines.
The Call for Sponsorship opens on 01 Novermber 2024 and closes on 31 March 2025.
Interested parties ad invited to forward their expression of interest by email to: