The DBE hosted an Induction Conference aimed at strengthening school leadership and governance to review the anticipated School Principal Induction Programme. The two day dialogue, organised in collaboration with the European Union (EU), was held at the offices of the South African Council for Educators (SACE) in Centurion from 25 to 26 October 2018.
The DBE’s Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa (ISPFTED-SA, 2011-2025), outlines teacher induction and mentoring as a critical aspect for the professional development of teachers and principals. Discussions therefore centred on the implementation of a framework and roadmap for a system of career pathing for education leaders and managers through the implementation of induction programmes, and to explore processes and programmes for continued development and training.
Mr James Ndlebe, Director for Education Management and Governance Development said that, “The Department is looking into a long term plan of handing administrative powers to principals and to establish autonomous and self-managing schools. A School Principal Induction Programme for newly appointed principals is one of the Department’s strategies to professionalise principalship in addition to standards, qualifications and appointment processes to ensure that only qualified and competent teachers are appointed as school principals”.
The conference was attended by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Provincial Education Departments (PEDs), universities, teacher unions, Governing Body Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).