
Grade R Resource kit

The Grade R Resource Kit 2015 includes:

  • 20 themed posters;
  • 2 Big Book storybooks containing 12 theme-linked stories;
  • A Teacher’s Guide packed with practical classroom ideas and more;
  • Weekly CAPS-aligned Lesson Plans plus Assessment Activities for the year; and
  • A DVD consisting of supporting audio lessons, songs and videos demonstrating how to use these materials in the classroom plus tips for teaching numeracy, literacy and life-skill concepts to Grade R learners.


How to use this Grade R Resource Kit

The Grade R programme for Terms 1 to 4 is organised into 20 themes, each of which contain enough work for two weeks. In other words, there is 40 weeks’ worth of work here. You should aim to cover five themes per term ( a term being roughly ten weeks long).

For each theme there is a poster and a Big Book story. Supporting worksheets and flashcards can be found in the Rainbow Learners’ Workbooks Term one, Term two, Term three and Term four.

There are also weekly plans for each two-week theme. These lesson plans will guide you on how to use the poster, storybook, worksheets and flashcards. At the end of the lesson plans for each theme, you will find two or more assessment tasks that you can use to evaluate your learners’ progress. A recording sheet, in the form of a checklist or rubric, is included for you to copy and record your observations.

By working through this 40-week programme, it will be possible for your Grade R learners to achieve all the expected CAPS learning goals for the year.

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